Our Review of Electro-Bites by Fuel100

An On The Go Energy Replenishment

Electro-Bites - Pacific North Wanderers.jpg

We had an opportunity to test a new product while hiking to Heybrook Lookout last weekend. We brought Electro-Bites by Fuel100 along with our normal energy bars. Below is our review...

The Electro-Bites website describes their product as follows:

Electro-Bites are designed specifically for endurance athletes to help extend training and improve race performance. Designed as an alternative to the sweet and sticky products currently on the market each 100 calorie pack contains bite sized snacks that are slightly salty in taste.

We tested these samples while on a moderate hike. The packages are small, each the caloric equivalent of 100 calories. There are a variety of flavors and we tried all that were provided.

The initial taste we experienced was salt, not like pouring salt into your mouth harshness, just salty. Each flavor has a toasty, almost malty undertone with a hint of vanilla, cinnamon, spice, vinegar or whatever the label touted. We found all of the flavors quite mild.


Displaying Electro-Bites Pumpkin Spice, Salty Vinegar, Salty Vanilla, Simply Salty, Apple Cinnamon flavors.


The small, nugget sized bites were easy to pop into our mouths while tromping through the snow (roughly the size of mini marshmallows). The texture is kind of a fine granular consistency and dissolved readily in our mouths with or without a drink.

What we liked most:

  • Small, compact and easy to open packages. These are perfect for hiking and backpacking as they take up little room and are lightweight.
  • Convenient for on the go.
  • Dissolved with or without liquid, with little to no chewing.
  • Nice little energy boost.
  • No aftertaste.
  • No sweetness.

Possible room for improvement:

  • We felt that we were more thirsty for a longer period after our hike than usual.
  • Probably wouldn’t rely solely upon these as calorie replacement, as we like variety. (The website actually does suggest using them to supplement instead of replacing whatever you’re consuming now.)

Overall, we’d recommend Electro-Bites as another tool in your endurance arsenal — Nutrition for athletes!


If you’d like to try Electro-Bites you can buy them online at www.electro-bites.com. They’re also available in select physical locations which can be found on their website.

Disclosure of Material Connection: We received Electro-Bites for free from Fuel100 as coordinated by Outdoor PR in consideration for review publication.

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